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Category: Blog

  • When I Wore a Younger Man’s Clothes

    It’s been another revolution around the Sun which usually creates the opportunity for inward reflection and desires to make big changes and reorganization. But let me tell you, I am long overdue for some organization. I have been holding myself back lately. I’ve also avoided writing on this blog as well. I’ve noticed a small…

  • And the lakes that you’re used to

    It’s the week of my wedding, y’all! Today, the future-spouse and I are having a spa day. I just wanted to point something out though. I woke up to shower and start my work day (I’ll be playing hooky at noon, don’t tell anyone) while my partner stayed in bed. I started working, chatted with…

  • Please Don’t

    Don’t judge yourself. Everyone else will.

  • Plantar Fasciitis

    I had pf on my left foot in 2022. It lasted an entire year. As it was finally healing, I started to feel pain in my right foot. That pain turned out to be pf. So as soon as I was finally getting over it, I got it on my other foot. It has almost…

  • Fumbled

    This is a completely random thought but, like….Skype really fumbled the bag during the pandemic, huh??? Like how you gunna let Zoom son you like that? Also, it makes me happy when I see a dude walking down the street with a pizza box. I don’t know why. That is all.

  • 🧠?

    Lately, I feel like my brain hates me. I’ll have the intention of doing everything I want/need to do. Then I’ll sit down at my desk and just open my emails. I’ll be like “Okay, I’ll start working on that right after I google “graph theory”. Then graph theory somehow turns into me reading Wikipedia…

  • True Random

    I’ve been thinking about true randomness recently. I was thinking of a way to explain to somebody in layman’s terms and I came up with this. OMG it’s a plinko board! So we all know what this is, right? Whether you’ve seen this as a game in Mario Party or a live streamer trying to…

  • Wish I Knew

    I haven’t been motivated to do anything lately.

  • Cheat Day

    Last night, D’s softball team ended their game in a tie. It was fun to watch and everybody loved the dog. The dog had tons of fun as well. The game was delayed because of rain so when we got there everyone was wet. So that was fun. But things took an interesting turn towards…

  • Fucking Sports

    I finally got the email that I was expecting. It would either say I got the part or I didn’t. I didn’t get the part. The email came over 24 hours after a buddy of mine said they got their email – except his was good news. So now I’m 0 for 2 on auditions.…