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When I Wore a Younger Man’s Clothes

It’s been another revolution around the Sun which usually creates the opportunity for inward reflection and desires to make big changes and reorganization. But let me tell you, I am long overdue for some organization.

I have been holding myself back lately. I’ve also avoided writing on this blog as well. I’ve noticed a small pattern emerging here where I’ll blog when I’m really upset or feeling dramatic then I’ll feel embarrassed and avoid writing for a while. I’ve been, kind of, doing that in my actual life as well. I have too much going on. I need to make some structural changes. I’ve planned it out (for the most part), I’ve discussed it with my partner, I’ve gotten ready to trim the fat, then I just…don’t.

IDK. Maybe I’m afraid of the future. Maybe I’ve gotten too comfortable. Maybe I’m just tired. But right now, I feel hopeful and ready to push the buttons I’ve been hovering my fingers over. I’m ready. I just need to fuckin push.

So here goes nothing. Next week. Things will be different.