This site doesn’t collect cookies or any shit like that. It’s a blog, yo. Chill tf out.


Hello?!?! Is this thing working? I’ll take that as a yes.

Well…the blog is being restarted. Completely wiped. All previous entries are gonezo. Kaput. Long story short, hosting provider support ain’t shit. Not just my hosting provider either. All hosting provider support I’ve ran into seems to purposely not help you in your situation. I think it’s more profitable for them.

I think that the majority of their customers are people who have a great idea for a website, or need one for their business, so they throw money at a web host and then get confused because they don’t know what they’re doing. They try support, get confused more, and then come running to a developer (like me 🙃) for help.

So…what was the problem with the website?

Who fuckin’ knows? I had my theories, but every time I brought that up to support they were ignored. In fact, every time I brought up they my theories were being ignored – they ignored that too! FUN! It was a permissions issue though. My site stopped working at some point. Since support refused to help me, I figured I’d start over and see if the problem reproduces itself.

Ugh, what a shame. Either way, the site is back up now, but we’re sticking with the default theme for now. I think I’ll create my own this time. You see, the problem with the site didn’t arise until after I found a random theme online and started messing around with it. I didn’t notice anything was wrong until I tried to use my own files. For now, everything appears to be working (just like it did last time). So…onward I suppose.

I have a ‘Hello World’ to delete. PEACE!